Affinity App



  • User Research
  • Mobile Design
  • UI / UX


  • Illustrations
  • Icons
  • Styleguide

Project Info


  • To develop a mobile app design for buying and selling cryptocurrency.
  • The user feedback indicated that there were several issues with the app’s navigation and usability.
  • Users were having difficulty finding the information and features they needed, and as a result, they were becoming frustrated and abandoning the app.
  • The main problem was the lack of clarity in the app’s navigation.
  • Users were having difficulty finding the information and features they needed, and as a result, they were becoming frustrated and abandoning the app.


To solve this problem, I conducted user research to understand the needs and behaviours of the target audience.

    • This included interviews with users, usability testing, and analyzing app analytics data.
    • Based on this research, I identified a number of key issues with the app’s navigation.
    • For example, the main navigation menu was cluttered and difficult to read, and there were no clear categories or labels to help users find the information they needed.

To address these issues, I proposed a redesign of the app’s navigation.


  • This included reorganizing the main navigation menu into clear categories and subcategories, and adding clear labels and descriptions to each menu item.
  • I also created wireframes and prototypes to test out different design ideas and gather feedback from users.
  • Through this iterative design process, I was able to create a new navigation system that was intuitive and easy to use, which significantly improved the user experience on the app.


Improving the User Experience of a Cryptocurrency Mobile App

When designing a user experience for a cryptocurrency payment app, it’s important to keep in mind the unique challenges and considerations that come with this type of application.

One key consideration is security. Because cryptocurrencies involve the handling of sensitive financial information, it’s crucial to design the app in a way that prioritizes the security of user data. This may involve implementing measures such as encryption, two-factor authentication, and biometric login options.

Another important consideration is usability. The app should be designed in a way that makes it easy for users to navigate and understand the various features and options available to them. This may involve designing clear and intuitive interfaces, providing helpful explanations and tutorials, and making it easy for users to manage their cryptocurrency wallets and transactions.

Overall, designing a user experience for a cryptocurrency payment app requires a thoughtful and thorough approach that prioritizes security, usability, and user-centered design principles. It’s also important to continuously monitor and gather feedback post-launch to ensure that the app is meeting the needs of its users.

Design Process

Designing a user experience for a cryptocurrency payment app can be a challenging task, as it requires understanding the unique needs and pain points of the target audience, as well as the technical complexities of the blockchain technology. For my project, I focused on designing a mobile app that enables users to easily make payments and transfers using cryptocurrency. My design process included the following steps:


  • Define the problem: Conduct user research and analyze data from the existing platform to identify areas for improvement within the scope of a transactional card for cryptocurrency payments and transfers.
  • Research and brainstorm solutions: Conduct additional user research, review industry best practices, and explore different design approaches within the scope of a transactional card for cryptocurrency payments and transfers.
  • Create wireframes and prototypes: Using the research and brainstorming, create low-fidelity designs to test out different ideas and gather feedback from users within the scope of a transactional card for cryptocurrency payments and transfers.
  • Iterate and refine the design: Make changes to the layout, functionality, or visual design of the platform based on feedback from users and stakeholders, within the scope of a transactional card for cryptocurrency payments and transfers.
  • Test and validate the design: Conduct usability testing and other forms of user research to ensure that the design meets the needs and expectations of the target audience, within the scope of a transactional card for cryptocurrency payments and transfers.
  • Launch and monitor the redesign: Once the redesigned platform is launched, continue to monitor the platform and gather feedback from users to identify any further areas for improvement, within the scope of a transactional card for cryptocurrency payments and transfers.

Key Learnings & Retrospective

  1. The importance of user research: Conducting user research and understanding the needs and pain points of the target audience was crucial in defining the problem and identifying areas for improvement.
  2. The value of iterative design: Iterating and refining the design based on user feedback was essential in creating a user-centered solution that met the needs of the target audience.
  3. The importance of testing and validation: Usability testing and other forms of user research were crucial in validating the design and ensuring that it met the needs and expectations of the target audience.
  4. The need for ongoing monitoring and improvement: Even after launch, it’s important to continue to monitor the platform and gather feedback from users to identify any further areas for improvement.


Overall, this project was a valuable learning experience in the design process for creating a mobile app for cryptocurrency payments and transfers. It reinforced the importance of user-centered design and the value of conducting thorough research, testing and validation, and ongoing monitoring and improvement. It also highlighted the challenges and complexities of designing for a new and rapidly evolving technology like cryptocurrency. In future projects, I will be better equipped to tackle these challenges and design more effective solutions for cryptocurrency-related products.

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